Broadcast 30 April, 7, 14, 21, 28 May, 4, 11, 18, 25 June, 2 July 1986
3.1 Airspeak. Guest: chair of British Airline Pilots Association, Captain Mike Clark.
3.2 English learning in China.
Guest: TV presenter in China, Kathy Flower.
3.3 Names of things, horses, products, children, house names.
Guest: founder of the Names Society, Leslie Dunkling.
3.4 Accents changing. Guest: phonetician John Wells.
3.5 Adult reading and non-readers.
Guest: Adult Literacy Campaign - producer of the TV series 'On The Move' David Hargreaves.
3.6 Catch phrases and slogans, graffiti: Nigel Rees' new book.
3.7 Etymologies/place name, English Place-Name Society.
Guest: John Dodgson.
3.8 Usage - Guest: Fritz Spiegel, talking about his book, The Joy of Words.
3.9 Round-up 1: etymology, which language, accents.
Guest: Graham Poynton on accents, surnames.
3.10 Round-up 2: people naming things, invent a slogan for the programme.