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71 results found
A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics [6th edn]
This ground-breaking dictionary was first published in 1980, and has been regularly revised every five years o...
A Glossary of Textspeak and Netspeak
Published in 2004, this is a glossary of the terminology entering English as a result of the Internet and mobi...
A Life Made of Words: the Poetry and Thought of John Bradburne
The first in-depth study of the work of the prolific 20th-century missionary poet John Bradburne...
A Little Book of Language
Published in 2010, this introduction was written for a series following the model of Ernst Gombrich’s A ...
As They Say in Zanzibar
Published in 2006, this collection of over 2000 proverbs from 100 countries was the first to appear for almost...
Published in 2010 to mark the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible, this book answers the question ‘How m...
David Crystal’s Introduction to Language
A 3-hour DVD, published in 2011, presenting a series of specially recorded lectures introducing the subject of...
Discover Grammar
This book was first published in 1996 as a classroom companion to Rediscover Grammar. The chapters, correspond...
Dr Johnson's Dictionary: an Anthology
Published in 2005, this selection of some 4000 words from Dr Johnson’s Dictionary was made to celebrate its 25...
English as a Global Language [2nd edn]
First published in 1997, the 2003 edition updates the data on world usage and adds a chapter on the linguistic...
Everyday Shakespeare: Lines for Life
A day-by day anthology compiled by Ben and David Crystal, published in the UK in May 2023 and in the USA in Se...
Evolving English: One Language, Many Voices
Published in 2010, to accompany the British Library’s 2010-11 exhibition on the English language, with over 15...
Fowler's Dictionary of Modern English Usage: the First Edition
This new edition of the 1926 book was published by Oxford University Press in 2009 as a Classic First Edition ...
How Language Works
Published in 2005, this introduction tells the story of language in over 70 short, self-contained chapters, wi...
How Language Works [US edition]
Published in 2005, this introduction tells the story of language in over 70 short, self-contained chapters, wi...
Internet Linguistics
Published in 2011, this book is in some ways a sequel to Language and the Internet, but now focussing on the s...
Introduction to Language Pathology [4th edn]
This standard textbook was first published in 1980, and developed a greater therapeutic dimension when Rosemar...
John Bradburne's Mutemwa
This introduction to the life and work of the missionary poet John Bradburne was compiled by David and Hilary ...
Just a Phrase I'm Going Through: My Life in Language
Published in 2009, this autobiographical memoir describes the evolution of the author’s involvement in languag...
Just a Phrase I’m Going Through: My Life in Language: Audio Book
Published in 2009, an abridged version of the autobiography, read by the author. Four discs contain some five ...
Language A to Z [Student edn]
This series of books for schools - available for the first time online - originally appeared in 1991, and has ...
Language A to Z [Teacher's edn]
This book contains a commentary on the 400+ entries in the Student Book, providing answers to questions, extra...
Language and the Internet [2nd edn]
First published in 2001, the rapid evolution of the Internet motivated a 2nd edition in 2006. New chapters on ...
Language Death
Published in 2000, this was the first general introduction to the phenomenon of language endangerment and deat...
Language Play
‘a stimulating treat for everyone interested in language’ (Steven Pinker)__‘illuminating and extremely enterta...
Let's Talk: How English Conversation Works
Published in 2020, this is an exploration of the linguistic factors that underlie our successful (and unsucces...
Listen to your Child [2nd edn]
A revised edition of the book first published in 1986, an introduction to child language acquisition written f...
Making a point: the pernickety story of English punctuation
An account, published in paperback in 2016, of the origins, development, and present-day use of all aspects of...
Making a point: the persnickety story of English punctuation [US edn]
An account of the origins, development, and present-day use of all aspects of English punctuation. It is the U...
Making Sense of Grammar
This sequel to Rediscover Grammar was published in 2004, adding a focus on meaning and use to the analysis of ...
Making sense: the glamorous story of English grammar
An account of why grammar is important, how children acquire it, and how adults use it, with the emphasis on t...
Making sense: the glamorous story of English grammar [US edn]
An account of why grammar is important, how children acquire it, and how adults use it, with the emphasis on t...
Pronouncing Shakespeare
Published in 2005, this is an account of the 2004 production of Romeo and Juliet in original pronunciation by ...
Pronouncing Shakespeare
Updated edition, with a short Afterlife chapter summarising developments in OP since 2005/...
Rediscover Grammar
First published in 1998, this standard introduction to grammar for teachers and students had a third edition i...
Shakespeare's Words
This book was published by David and Ben Crystal in 2002, presenting the 14,000 or so words and expressions th...
Sounds appealing: the passionate story of English pronunciation
Published in 2018, an exploration of all aspects of English pronunciation, using a wide range of illustrations...
Spell it Out: the Singular Story of English Spelling
Published in 2012, an account of the way English spelling has developed its present character, arguing that th...
Tales of the Linguistically Unexpected
A photographic memoir of surprising linguistic encounters around the globe. ...
That's the Ticket for Soup
An illustrated account of the way Victorians thought about vocabulary, as reflected in the articles and cartoo...
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language [3rd edn]
First published in 1987, this best-selling encyclopedia was completely redesigned and updated for its 3rd edit...
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language [3rd edn]
Published in 2019, this is the latest edition of the best-selling encyclopedia on the history, structure, and ...
The Disappearing Dictionary: a Treasury of Lost English Dialect Words
A selection of words from around the UK taken from Joseph Wright's English Dialect Dictionary of 1906, wit...
The Encyclopedia Codes
A pseudo-autobiographical novella. ISBN 9781909459274
The English Language [2nd edn]
First published in 1998, the 2002 edition updates its three sections on the structure, use, and history of Eng...
The Fight for English
Published in 2006, this book was written in response to Lynne Truss’s Eats, Shoots and Leaves, but broadened i...
The Future of Language
Published in 2009, this DVD contains three of David Crystal’s one-hour lectures: ‘The future of Englishes’, ‘L...
The Gift of the Gab
An exploration of what is involved in the notion of eloquence, as encountered in the best public speakers and ...
The Language Revolution
Published in 2004, this book was published in a series called ‘Themes for the 21st Century’, and interrelates ...
The Memors
Published in 2013, Hilary Crystal’s debut techno-fantasy novel is now available through the Crystal Books Proj...
The Memors Glossary
This glossary contains all words or expressions in the novel other than those that appear in the Longman 2000-...
The Mirrinth
A day out at Great House turns out to be more than a boring tour round a stately home for Liss and Josh. __A c...
The Oxford Dictionary of Original Shakespearean Pronunciation
A dictionary of Shakespearean vocabulary, including all the words in the First Folio, with Early Modern Englis...
The Oxford Illustrated Shakespeare Dictionary
A collaboration between David and Ben Crystal, with full-colour illustrations by Kate Bellamy. A combination o...
The Penguin Dictionary of Language [2nd edn]
First published in 1992, the 2nd edition appeared in 1999, updating its language statistics, and increasing it...
The Shakespeare Miscellany
Published in 2005, this is a compilation by David and Ben Crystal of observations about Shakespeare’s life, ti...
The Stories of English
Published in 2004, this account of the history of the language places nonstandard varieties of English at the ...
The Story of Be: a Verb's-eye View of the English Language
An exploration of the many meanings and uses of the most frequently occurring verb in English....
The Story of English in 100 Words
Published in 2011, this is a personal selection of 100 words, each representing a strand in the history of the...
The Story of English in 100 Words: Audio Book
Published in 2011, an unabridged reading of the book by the author; seven discs contain almost eight hours of ...
The Unbelievable Hamlet Discovery
Rumours that a lost Hamlet quarto has been found have been circulating among Shakespeare scholars and booksell...
Think on my Words: Exploring Shakespeare's Language
Published in 2008, this introduction explores the myths and realities surrounding Shakespeare’s use of languag...
Txtng: the Gr8 Db8
Published in 2008, this was the first thorough exploration of the language used in text-messaging, including a...
Walking English / By Hook or By Crook: a Journey in Search of English
Published in 2007, this linguistic travelogue narrates a real journey in search of the English language around...
We Are Not Amused
An illustrated account of the way Victorians thought about pronunciation, as reflected in the articles and car...
Words in Time and Place
Published in 2014, an exploration of the English language through the Historical Thesaurus of the Oxford Engli...
Words on Words - e-book
When this book appeared in 2000, it was the first published anthology of quotations on language and languages,...
Words, Words, Words
Published in 2006 as a companion to a BBC television series about the Oxford English Dictionary, this book exp...
Wordsmiths and Warriors: The English-language Tourist's Guide to Britain
A linguistic travelogue, published in 2013, visiting places in Great Britain where something important happene...
You Say Potato: A Book About Accents
Co-written with Ben Crystal, and published in 2014, a lively account of the history and use of English accents...
You Say Potato: A Book About Accents
Co-written with Ben Crystal, and first published in 2014, a lively account of the history and use of English a...